Monday, April 11, 2011

Is DAP making NOISE only inPRN Sarawak or fast just like Formula One car ???

The Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) conducted an analysis of the contents of the DAP leaders’ ceramah over the past five days and found that they contained “nothing useful” for the rakyat.
SUPP president Tan Sri Dr George Chan said their ceramah speeches were fiery and loud, but had no substance.
“The main focus of all their ceramah was to condemn Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud and me.
“They attacked us personally and slandered and criticised us. They were loud and noisy, repeating all sorts of allegations they had plucked out from the Internet.
“Yes, these sort of angry and fiery outbursts had drawn the crowd, but so far, in what way will the rakyat benefit from these speeches?
“The DAP leaders have no concrete plans on how they want to help the people, what they intend to do for the rakyat or how they can make Miri or Sarawak a better place.
“We in SUPP have announced plans for construction of schools and have already built many new schools.
“This state election is not about Taib or mef. It is about how and what a contesting party wants to do for the rakyat. So far, there has been nothing at all coming from DAP,” he told a press conference here yesterday.
Dr Chan said that while the DAP leaders were screaming in public, the SUPP leaders had been going around explaining to small groups of people how they were going to resolve the problems the rakyat faced.
“If the DAP leaders are so angry with Taib, why are they afraid to field a candidate against him in Balingain?
“Even Baru Bian, who has been criticising Taib all the time dares not contest in Balingain,” he added.

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